Working with Emotions

in Five Element Acupressure

This two-day workshop provides the practitioner with a practical way of recognising when emotions are contributing to physical imbalances and using acupressure points to release blocks in the flow of Qi that are causing these imbalances.

Prerequisite: Five Element Acupressure Level 2 or equivalent


  • To identify areas of tension that may be associated with emotional holding.
  • The concept of segmental armouring and the eight horizontal segments.
  • Acupoints for releasing tension patterns in the occiput, neck, jaw, clavicle area, chest, diaphragm, abdomen and pelvis.
  • Perspectives of emotion ancient and modern
  • Five Element resonances which relate emotions to organs and tissues,
  • Five separate treatment patterns, working with the Lung meridian for grief and sadness; Heart and Heart Protector meridians for hyper-excitement or lack of joy; Liver meridian for anger and frustration; Spleen meridian for worry and overthinking; and Kidney meridian for fear and anxiety.
  • Categories of points for working at the level of emotions: source, outer shu, mu, luo-connecting and xi-cleft.
  • Body focusing and basic counselling skills to facilitate the processing of emotions.






Soul Space, 23 Parker St, Newmarket QLD

October 5-6, 2024
Presenter John Kirkwood
9 am – 5 pm$570*


AKA Yoga Studio, 130C Nicholson St, Brunswick East VIC

November 22, 23, 2025
Presenter Geoffrey Bonwick
10 am – 6 pm$590**


Lifeflow Meditation Centre, 259 Glen Osmond Rd, Frewville SA

May 2026 Dates TBA
Presenter John Kirkwood
9 am – 5 pmTBA

*Earlybird price $490 if paid in full 6 weeks in advance. Repeating $285/$245.

**Earlybird price $510 if paid in full 6 weeks in advance. Repeating $295/$255.

Approved for CPE points

ATMS – 7 CPE Points

ATMS - Continuous Professional Education (20 Plus Points) Badge