Recommended Reading

These are titles which I recommend for further study

Jarmey cover

A Practical Guide to Acupoints by Chris Jarmey

Every student of Acupressure needs a good point location book and this is an excellent choice. Complete, thorough, inexpensive, and written by a renowned Shiatsu practitioner, this volume will serve the student who plans to make Acupressure a part of their life.

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Hicks cover

Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture by Angela & John Hicks and Peter Mole

Considered by many to be the ultimate textbook of Five Element Acupuncture, this book brings together all of JR Worsley’s teachings. It shows in depth how to diagnose the Constitutional Element, explores the many resonances of the Elements, looks at blocks to treatment, Windows of the Sky and much more. Highly recommended for advanced students of Five Element Acupressure.

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Qigong through the Seasons by Ronald Davis

Everything you need to know about the nuts and bolts of Qigong practice at every level – movement, meditation, diet, cultivating consciousness and the wisdom of Qigong. Ron’s seasonal approach to the Five Elements (five phases) is similar to mine and complements my own books.

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